Sunday, May 5, 2013

1950's Risque Pinups = 2000's Classy Lady

   I am constantly looking for what is on the up and up in fashion. It has had me thinking... Are we going to be running around wearing leaves, if we keep this up? I am all about Adam and Eve but seriously folks, it's not awesome and most definitely not classy. 1950's risqué pinup girls wore bikinis and one piece bathing suits. Today slap a piece of dental floss on and call it a day. Disturbing. 
Example A~ Marilyn Monroe in her "risque" bathing suit. 
  Pictured above is a style icon Marilyn Monroe. Back in the day this was pushing the limit.  Today not so much. This would be what they call a classy suit. Isn't she beautiful though? I mean in no way shape or form by todays standards would this be called "risqué".  Below is an example of the same style suit that is considered by our standards classy. 
Example B~ Modern day "classy suit"
*sidenote~ Did you know wear the name bikini came from? Circa~1946 in Paris. The teeny-tiny two-piece swimsuit was named after Bikini Atoll Marshall Islands in the Pacific Ocean. They believed naming it the bikini would cause an explosive reaction. 


  So moving on to the bikinis. Everybody who doesn't live under a rock knows who Bettie Paige is. Now granted some of her clothing still turns my cheeks pink today most of it wasn't that bad. Let's use this particular picture for an example below. She is mostly covered high waist on the bottoms and still somehow she looks classy for todays standards.  I am sure her mother still wasn't very excited about it. But better than today where girls are getting pats on the back and in competition with their moms on who can wear the least. 
Example C~ Bettie Paige
Last but not least an example of the modern bikini.  I was gonna post it but my sweet daughters face is at the top of the page. I just cannot bring myself to do it. Anyway, you know what I'm talking about. Most mommas aren't cringing, that is the issue. Like I said before some wear worse 
than the 18 year olds. 

This brings me to my point vintage fashion and vintage styled fashion is so great because you can still be classy. Most modern day styles with coverage come from an original design from decades earlier. All the new stuff is barely there. I personally blame a lack of creativity and morals. 

Let's keep it classy ladies...
What's your opinion? Why on earth has this happened? Is it just pure disfunction? Are we losing our taste as time goes on? Have we pushed the limits too far? 

  Let me know in the comments below. Or maybe you totally disagree with me and think that dental floss is the classy for the now. 



1 comment:

  1. > Why on earth has this happened? Is it just pure disfunction? Are we losing our taste as time goes on? Have we pushed the limits too far?

    Well, I can give you a three letter word as to how, why and whom, however we cannot criticize them without being ostracized, labelled and branded. I can give you a clue to start your own research, but let's just say ... "Who owns Hollywood?" ... "Who owns the banks?" Follow the money.
